Dan Morrison - Work History

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Dan Morrison dman
176b Tory st
Wellington Wellington 6000 NZ
[+64] 21 169 2879

Employment History

Summary in reverse order. For more details, please check the Portfolio.

  • Independant web developer/consultant based in Wellington, New Zealand, building corporate CMS and eCommerce sites, including some internationally contracted jobs. 2005-current. See the the portfolio for a fuller list.
  • 2 years Bartender/Promotions Manager in the high-volume Rock Bar, Nelson, New Zealand. 2004-5.
  • 2 years in Greece as Bartender and Bar Manager 2002-3.
  • 1 1/2 Years Contracted to University of Victoria as Webmaster.
    Largely in a sole charge position of all things web-related, this position also covered a myriad of other administration tasks, client and legacy application support. I assisted in the introduction of replacement servers and was on call full-time.
  • 3 Years Independant Contracting as a Web Developer affiliated with The Web Limited, Wellington as (D)HTML specialist.
    In that time I worked on numerous corporate sites and intranets developing both pages, navigational systems and back-end applications. Major clients included: Telecom NZ; Wellington City Council.
  • 2 Years Employed by Helios Communications, Wellington, as Web Designer/Programmer, Systems Administrator and Internet Consultant.
    Responsibilities expanded to include Webmaster of many corporate websites and Technical team leader. Major clients included: ASB Bank, Land Transport Safety Authority; Creative NZ; NZQA
  • Many assorted Hospitality and Travel-related jobs including DJ, Performance Bartender and Bar Manager. Also University studies.
  • Employed over 4 years by the Ministry of External Relations and Trade as a qualified tutor tutoring computer skills at Nelson Polytechnic, Nelson, NZ.
  • One year Editor and layout operator of Circuit a small community paper, using PageMaker DTP on the Macintosh.

Educational History

I studied the first two years of a BSc at Canterbury University, heading towards an Honours degree in Computer Science. I was top of my first year, but spent most of the second pursuing my own development projects.
Other educational achievements included several Philosophy papers and learning conversational Japanese and Greek.
Prior to that I worked through to an 'A' Bursary at Nayland College, Nelson. There I topped the school in Sixth Form Computing Science, as well as many other scholastic awards.