
Many years of research and experience building and maintaining secure environments, including user management, authentication, SSL and eCommerce. Mostly Linux-based. Advisory role in large organizations regarding security best practices and the web. Support roles in managing emails, privacy, virus and malware protection, and legal issues.

University of Victoria, Wellington NZ

Victoria University homepage 2000

The university website encompassed tens of thousands of pages within hundreds of sub-sites. As webmaster, I was responsible for the internet connectivity for thousands of clients as well as legacy and development support for all things 'web'.

ASB Bank 1999 - Online Banking

ASB BANK Main site as it appeared July 1999

Over an extended development period, I gave the site a complete makeover into the corporate look.
Many features were added, and the almost all the content re-drafted.

Fastnet Online Banking


Ease of use, corporate branding & speed of download were major priorities in the design of Fastnet - New Zealands first & most successful Online Banking application.

In designing the interface for ASB Bank, I successfully addressed all these issues and many more and a top-class site was launched in April 1999.

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