University of Victoria, Wellington NZ
The university website encompassed tens of thousands of pages within hundreds of sub-sites. As webmaster, I was responsible for the internet connectivity for thousands of clients as well as legacy and development support for all things 'web'.
My Primary Roles:
- Webmaster (Unix/Apache,Win2K/IIS4.0), cachemaster (SQUID), proxymaster (content filtering)
- Content control, Access Permissions (Unix & IIS)
- Search Engine maintainence (AltaVista,Google)
- Client Support/helpdesk, HTML tutoring, TCP/IP troubleshooting
- Database connectivity & development (Oracle, MSQL, MySQL, Access) new and legacy
- Documentation, System roll-out, backup recovery, Security issues
- Bandwidth usage billing and analysis

My role was to manage an extreme range of technologies used on and off-site, and support the educational staff in publishing their content, which was mostly managed independantly.
Besides updating and nuturing the dozens of existing systems, I developed tools, standards, templates and procedures to assist users and staff with maintainence tasks.
With documentation and seminars, I guided university web maintainers through topics such as browser compatability, logfile analysis (WebTrends), security restrictions (intranet/extranet/internet) and version control (development mirrors with multiple authors).
Development projects included transferring large amounts of content into a personally-designed, self-maintaining navigation and 'skinable' template system (ASP/pure XHTML)